Data Manipulation
In this tutorial, you will learn to prepare independent variables. Specifically, you will perform basic arithmetic operations, compute log and exponent of a variable, and test conditional variables using IF-THEN-ELSE statements.
Arithmetic operations
Download the same airfare data to used before. Always place files in the C:\data
SAS code:
data airfaredata;
infile 'C:\data\airfare.txt' delimiter='|' ;
input year origin $ destin $ id dist passen fare bmktshr
ldist y98 y99 y00 lfare ldistsq concen lpassen ;
Adding variables
SAS code:
data datman;/* creating a new sas data-set called "datman" */
the set statement inherits all the variables from the data-set "airfaredata"
set airfaredata;
creating a new variable through other arithmetic operators
year9899 = y98 + y99 ; /* (a) addition */
zeros = bmktshr - concen ; /* (b) subtraction */
perconcen = concen * 100 ; /* (c) multiplication */
fare_per_mile = fare/dist ; /* (d) division */
compute square of an existing variable. different ways to compute a square of an
existing variable: 1) logdistsq = logdist**2 ; 2) logdistsq = logdist*logdist ;
alternately, for squareroot of an existing variable: logdistsqrt = logdist**0.5;
logdistsq = ldist**2 ; /* (e) squared */
logdistsqrt = ldist**0.5 ; /* (f) square-root */
serialno = _n_; /*(g) adding a column of serial number */
Computing log/exp
SAS code:
data datman ;
set airfaredata;
logdist = log(dist) ; /* (h) logarithm */
distance = exp(ldist); /* (i) exponent */
Conditional statements:
if <condition>
then <what to do if condition is true> ;
else <what to do if condition is false> ;
for example, let us conditionally create a year dummies - year98
, year99
, year00
, from an existing variable year
year98 = 1 if the value for the variable year is 1998; otherwise = 0
year99 = 1 if the value for the variable year is 1999; otherwise = 0
year00 = 1 if the value for the variable year is 2000; otherwise = 0
SAS code:
data datman ;
set airfaredata;
/* Two ways to create year dummies */
/* First way: */
if year = 1998 then year98 = 1;
else year98 = 0; /* dummy that represents year=1998 */
if year = 2000 then year00 = 1;
else year00 = 0; /* dummy that represents year=2000 */
/* Second way: */
year99 = 0;
if year = 1999 then year99 = 1;
All the above steps can be accomplished in one DATA step
SAS code:
data airfaredata ;
informat origin destin $40.;
format origin destin $40.;
infile 'C:\data\airfare.txt' delimiter='|';
input year /* 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 (numeric) */
origin $ /* flight's origin (character)*/
destin $ /* flight's destination (character)*/
id /* route identifier (numeric) */
dist /* distance, in miles (numeric) */
passen /* avg. passengers per day (numeric) */
fare /* avg. one-way fare, $ (numeric) */
bmktshr /* fraction market, biggest carrier (numeric) */
ldist /* log(distance) (numeric) */
y98 /* =1 if year == 1998 (numeric) */
y99 /* =1 if year == 1999 (numeric) */
y00 /* =1 if year == 2000 (numeric) */
lfare /* log(fare) (numeric) */
ldistsq /* ldist^2 (numeric) */
concen /* = bmktshr (numeric) */
lpassen /* log(passen) (numeric) */
year9899 = y98 + y99 ; /* (a) addition */
zeros = bmktshr - concen ; /* (b) subtraction */
perconcen = concen * 100 ; /* (c) multiplication */
fare_per_mile = fare/dist ; /* (d) division */
logdistsq = ldist**2 ; /*(e) squared */
logdistsqrt = ldist**0.5 ; /*(f) square-root */
serialno = _n_; /*(g) adding a column of serial number */
logdist = log(dist) ; /*(h) logarithm: logvar_a = log(var_a) ;*/
distance = exp(ldist); /*(i) exponent: var_a = exp(logvar_a);*/
/* Two ways to create dummies */
/* First way: */
if year = 1998 then year98 = 1;
else year98 = 0; /* dummy that represents year=1998 */
if year = 2000 then year00 = 1;
else year00 = 0; /* dummy that represents year=2000 */
/* Second way: */
year99 = 0;
if year = 1999 then year99 = 1;
Practice Exercises
Manipulate the data
Click here to download the data. Do the following calculations.
Variable order in the data - CEO name, Company name, Salary, Bonus, Total pay, and Year.
- Did you know that the cash pay is the sum of salary (
) and bonus (bonus
)? Compute Cash Pay. - When total pay (
) is missing, replace those missing values with salary (salary
) plus bonus (bonus
). - What is the non-cash pay (stock options, loan reimbursements) that the CEO receives? Hint: Non-Cash Pay = Pay minus Cash Pay.
- Create the following dummies - (a) meaningful pay (pay > 0) (b) zero non-cash pay (non-cash pay = 0).
- Create variables - (a) cashpay-to-pay percentage (b) noncashpay-to-pay percentage.
- Keep only those observations with meaningful pay. (or) Alternately delete observations when pay is non-meaningful.
Road map
- Data Input
- Data Manipulation
- Some useful PROC steps
- Merging and subsetting a dataset
- Compute descriptive statistics
- Compute test of differences
- Ordinary Least Squares
- Probit/Logit Regression
- DO loops
- WHILE loops
- NESTED loops